Thursday, May 1, 2014

Shreveport, LA

Wednesday, April 23 I left Boise in the afternoon.  The flights out of Boise had filled up the next morning, so I made the decision to leave a little bit earlier than usual.  I was trying to make it to Shreveport to visit Daniel and Lauren.  So I took a flight to Seattle, that stops in Lewiston on the way there.  I was barely able to make it to my connecting gate and reach my flight to Phoenix, AZ from there.

I had to spend the night in Phoenix, but I got on the first US Airways morning flight to Dallas.  Daniel met me there and we drove the 3 hours to Shreveport.  That afternoon we went over to a couple's apartment nearby, Patrick and Suzanne, for dinner.  We played a game and visited for a while before they went to bed sort of early.

For most of the time in Louisiana, I spent my time doing nothing but relaxing and working on a book with Daniel.  But there were some "bigger highlights."

That Saturday we went to the local Air Force Base.  The Thunderbirds were performing there.  I cared more about one aircraft: a B-17 bomber from WWII.  I'd never gotten to go inside one before, but now I finally was able to.

The following Monday we drove out to West Monroe, LA.  The purpose?  To visit the Duck Commander warehouse.  We also ate at Willie's Duck Diner.
Later that night Daniel and I made a giant meat filled sandwich.
The next day Daniel took me to Cross Lake.  I got to see a little bit of what "swamp" in Louisiana is like.  There were some areas of backed up water into the Cyprus groves.
I didn't sleep any Tuesday night.  Wednesday Daniel and I were up at 1:30 in the morning to drive me into Dallas.  I was sick and had a fever, but at least I made all my connecting flights and got home.  I flew on US Air from Dallas, to Phoenix, to Portland.  Then I flew Horizon back to Boise.

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